Flavia Gasperi

Professoressa associata presso il Centro Agricoltura, Alimenti e Ambiente (C3A) dell’Università di Trento

Gruppo di Ricerca "Qualità Sensoriale"

Dipartimento di Qualità Alimentare e Nutrizione

Centro Ricerca e Innovazione

Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) - Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN)

Stanza PRC 6024

     Tel. +39 0461 615 186


flavia.gasperi@fmach.it ; flavia.gasperi@unitn.it 


Dal 1995 si occupa della caratterizzazione di prodotti agro-frutticoli attraverso un approccio combinato sensoriale-strumentale, contribuendo allo sviluppo e all’applicazione di tecniche sensoriali basati su panel di giudici addestrati (metodi discriminativi e descrittivi) in combinazione con panel di consumatori.

E’ uno dei soci fondatori della Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali e, dal 2003, è membro del Comitato Direttivo. E’ stata membro del comitato scientifico dei congressi nazionali SISS (Roma 2002, Milano 2008, Napoli 2010) e del comitato organizzativo dell’8th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium (Firenze 2009). 

Da ottobre 2019 è professoressa associata presso il Centro Agricoltura, Alimenti e Ambiente (C3A) dell’Università di Trento (Italia).

Attività di Ricerca

Caratterizzazione di prodotti agro-frutticoli (prodotti caseari locali e produzioni vegetali) attraverso tecniche sensoriali-strumentali combinate.

Tecniche innovative per l’analisi dei parametri qualitativi correlati con le proprietà sensoriali (composti volatili e texture).

Processi percettivi e interazioni multisensoriali.

 Nuove strategie per il trattamento di dati sensoriali e strumentali.

Attività Didattica

2016: Docente per il corso di Viticoltura ed Enologia intitolato "Approfondimenti di analisi sensoriale e descrittiva dei vini" (III Anno di Laurea Triennale)

2016: Docente del corso di analisi sensoriale (4° anno tecnico trasformazione agroalimentare, scuola superiore della Fondazione Mach)

2015: Docente per il corso di analisi sensoriale intitolato "Il Dialogo con il Vino" (Executive Master in Wine Export Management)

2015: Docente del corso di analisi sensoriale (4° anno tecnico trasformazione agroalimentare, scuola superiore della Fondazione Mach)

2014: Docente del Corso intensivo per Sensory Project Manager organizzato dalla Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali ("Introduzione all'analisi sensoriale", "Percezione sensoriale, fattori psicologici che influenzano le valutazioni e loro controllo")

2013: Docente del corso "Sensory Analysis" nella PhD summer school del programma CORNUCOPIA (corso sull'enologia e i lieviti del vino)

2003/2004-2011/2012: Docente del corso Analisi Sensoriale (4 crediti), Master di Viticoltura ed Enologia, Università di Trento/Udine

2011/2012: Docente di "Elementi di Analisi Sensoriale" (1 credito) nei programmi dei master per studenti laureati in Management of Wine-growing and Wine-producing System “The wines of origin and the protection of local designations”.

2009/2010: Docente di "Elementi di Analisi Sensoriale" (1 credito) nei programmi dei master per studenti laureati in Management of Wine-growing and Wine-producing System “The sparkling wines”.

Pubblicazioni Selezionate
Ni, Q.; Gasperi, F.; Aprea, E.; Betta, E.; Bergamaschi, M.; Tagliapietra, F.; Schiavon, S.; Bittante, G., "The volatile organic compound profile of ripened cheese is influenced by crude protein shortage and conjugated linoleic acid supplementation in the cow's diet" in JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, v. 103, n. 2 (2020), p. 1377-1390 Link  Bottiroli, Riccardo; Pedrotti, Michele; Aprea, Eugenio; Biasioli, Franco; Fogliano, Vincenzo; Gasperi, Flavia, "Application of PTR-TOF-MS for the quality assessment of lactose-free milk: Effect of storage time and employment of different lactase preparations" in JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 2020, (2020), p. e4505.1-e4505.9 Link  Bottiroli, R.; Aprea, E.; Betta, E.; Fogliano, V.; Gasperi, F., "Application of headspace solid-phase micro-extraction gas chromatography for the assessment of the volatiles profiles of ultra-high temperature hydrolysed-lactose milk during production and storage" in INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, v. 107, (2020), p. 104715.1-104715.9 Link  Poles, L.; Gentile, A.; Giuffrida, A.; Valentini, L.; Endrizzi, I.; Aprea, E.; Gasperi, F.; Distefano, G.; Artioli, G.; La Malfa, S.; Costa, F.; Lovatti, L.; Di Guardo, M., "Role of fruit flesh cell morphology and MdPG1 allelotype in influencing juiciness and texture properties in apple" in POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 164, (2020), p. 111161 Link  Bottiroli, R.; Zhang, C.; Aprea, E.; Fogliano, V.; Hettinga, K.; Gasperi, F., "Short communication: Short-time freezing does not alter the sensory properties or the physical stability of ultra-high-temperature hydrolyzed-lactose milk" in JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, v. 2020, 103, n. 10 (2020), p. 8822-8828 Link  Bottiroli, Riccardo; Dario Troise, Antonio; Aprea, Eugenio; Fogliano, Vincenzo; Vitaglione, Paola; Gasperi, Flavia, "Chemical and sensory changes during shelf-life of UHT hydrolyzed-lactose milk produced by “in batch” system employing different commercial lactase preparations" in FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, v. 136, (2020), p. 109552.1-109552.10 Link . Corazzin, M.; Berlese, M.; Sturaro, E.; Ramanzin, M.; Gallo, L.; Aprea, E.; Gasperi, F.; Gianelle, D.; Bovolenta, S., "Effect of feeding adaptation of italian simmental cows before summer grazing on animal behavior and milk characteristics" in ANIMALS, v. 10, n. 5 (2020), p. 829 Link  Di Francesco, A; Zajc, J; Gunde-Cimerman, N; Aprea, E; Gasperi, F; Placì, N; Caruso, F; Baraldi, E, "Bioactivity of volatile organic compounds by Aureobasidium species against gray mold of tomato and table grape" in WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 36, n. 11 (2020), p. 171 Link  Neri, F.; Cappellin, L.; Aprea, E.; Biasioli, F.; Gasperi, F.; Spadoni, A.; Cameldi, I.; Folchi, A.; Baraldi, E., "Interplay of apple volatile organic compounds with Neofabraea vagabunda and other post-harvest pathogens" in PLANT PATHOLOGY, v. 68, n. 8 (2019), p. 1508-1524. - DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13072 Link   Endrizzi, I.; Aprea, E.; Betta, E.; Charles, M.; Zambanini, J.; Gasperi, F., "Investigating the effect of artificial flavours and external information on consumer liking of apples" in MOLECULES, v. 24, n. 23 (2019), p. 4306. - URL: Link  Saba, A.; Sinesio, F.; Moneta, E.; Dinnella, C.; Laureati, M.; Torri, L.; Peparaio, M.; Saggia Civitelli, E.; Endrizzi, I.; Gasperi, F.; Bendini, A.; Gallina Toschi, T.; Predieri, S.; Abbà, S.; Bailetti, L.; Proserpio, C.; Spinelli, S., "Measuring consumers attitudes towards health and taste and their association with food-related life-styles and preferences" in FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, v. 73, (2019), p. 25-37 Link  Charles, M.; Aprea, E.; Gasperi, F., "Factors influencing sweet taste in apple" in J.M. Mérillon, K.G. Ramawat (edited by), Bioactive Molecules in Food, Basel, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2018 Link  Khomenko, I.; Aprea, E.; Gasperi, F., "Nosespace analysis by PTR-ToF-MS for the extravirgin olive oil characterization" in XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, August 26-31, 2018, ITALIA: Società chimica italiana, 2018, p. 136-137. - ISBN: 9788890738852. Proceedings of: XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, 26-31 August , 2018. Link Pedrotti, M.; Menghi, L.; Khomenko, I.; Carretta, A.; Aprea, E.; Cavazzana, A.; Hummel, T.; Gasperi, F.; Biasioli, F., "Exploring inter-individual differences in in-vivo flavour release by SIFT-MS" in IMSC 2018: XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, 26-31 August 2018, ITA: Società chimica italiana, 2018, p. 373-374. - ISBN: 9788890738852. Proceedings of: IMSC 2018: XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, 26-31 agosto, 2018 Link Aprea, E.; Gasperi, F.; Betta, E.; Sani, G.; Cantini, C., "Variability in volatile compounds from lipoxygenase pathway in extra virgin olive oils from Tuscan olive germoplasm by quantitative SPME/GC‐MS" in JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 53, n. 9 (special issue) (2018), p. 824-832 Link 
Spinelli, S.; De Toffoli, A.; Dinnella, C.; Laureati, M.; Pagliarini, E.; Bendini, A.; Braghieri, A.; Gallina Toschi, T.; Sinesio, F.; Torri, L.; Gasperi, F.; Endrizzi, I.; Magli, M.; Borgogno, M.; di Salvo, R.; Favotto, S.; Prescott, J.; Monteleone, E., "Personality traits and gender influence liking and choice of food pungency" in FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, v. 66, (2018), p. 113-126 Link  Laureati, M.; Spinelli, S.; Monteleone, E.; Dinnella, C.; Prescottb, J.; Cattane, C.; Proserpio, C.; De Toffoli, A.; Gasperi, F.; Endrizzi, I.; Torri, L.; Peparaio, M.; Arena, E.; Bonello, F.; Condelli, N.; Di Monaco, R.; Gatti, E.; Piasentier, E.; Tesini, F.; Pagliarini., E., "Associations between food neophobia and responsiveness to "warning" chemosensory sensations in food products in a large population sample" in FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, v. 68, (2018), p. 113-124 Link 
Bottiroli, R.; Aprea, E.; Betta, E.; Gasperi, F., "Application of SPME GC-MS to explore possible differences in free-lactose milks from the market" in XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, August 26-31, 2018, ITA: Società chimica italiana, 2018, p. 685-686. - ISBN: 9788890738852. Proceedings of: XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, August 26-31, 2018 Link Dinnella, C.; Monteleone, E.; Piochi, M.; Spinelli, S.; Prescott, J.; Pierguidi, L.; Gasperi, F.; Laureati, M.; Pagliarini, E.; Predieri, S.; Torri, L.; Barbieri, S.; Valli, E.; Bianchi, P.; Braghieri, A.; Del Caro, A.; Di Monaco, R.; Favotto, S.; Moneta, E., "Individual variation in PROP status, fungiform papillae density and responsiveness to taste stimuli in a large population sample" in CHEMICAL SENSES, v. 43, n. 9 (2018), p. 697-710 Link 
Pegolo, Sara; Bergamaschi, Matteo; Gasperi, Flavia; Biasioli, Franco; Cecchinato, Alessio; Bittante, Giovanni, "Integrated PTR-ToF-MS, GWAS and biological pathway analyses reveal the contribution of cow's genome to cheese volatilome" in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 8, n. 1 (2018) Link 
Charles, M.; Corollaro, M. L.; Manfrini, L.; Endrizzi, I.; Aprea, E.; Zanella, A.; Corelli Grappadelli, L.; Gasperi, F., "Application of a sensory-instrumental tool to study apple texture characteristics shaped by altitude and time of harvest" in JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, v. 98, n. 3 (2018), p. 1095-1104  Link  Charles, M.; Endrizzi, I.; Aprea, E.; Zambanini, J.; Betta, E.; Gasperi, F., "Dynamic and static sensory methods to study the role of aroma on taste and texture: a multisensory approach to apple perception" in FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, v. 62, (2017), p. 17-30 Link 
Farneti, B.; Khomenko, I.; Grisenti, M.; Ajelli, M.; Betta, E.; Algarra Alarcon, A.; Cappellin, L.; Aprea, E.; Gasperi, F.; Biasioli, F.; Giongo, L., "Exploring blueberry aroma complexity by chromatographic and direct-injection spectrometric techniques" in FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, v. 8, n. 617 (2017), p. 1-19 Link  Capozzi, Vittorio; Yener, Sine; Khomenko, Iuliia; Farneti, Brian; Cappellin, Luca; Gasperi, Flavia; Scampicchio, M.; Biasioli, Franco, "PTR-ToF-MS coupled with an automated sampling system and tailored data analysis for food studies: bioprocess monitoring, screening and nose-space analysis" in JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, v. 123, (2017) Link  Bergamaschi, M.; Cecchinato, A.; Gasperi, Flavia; Biasioli, Franco; Bittante, G., "Formaggio: così genetica, tipo di allevamento e alimentazione influenzano l'aroma" in INFORMATORE ZOOTECNICO, v. 2017, n. 3 (2017), p. 46-52 Link  Monteleone, E.; Spinelli, S.; Dinnella, C.; Endrizzi, Isabella; Laureati, M.; Pagliarini, E.; Sinesio, F.; Gasperi, Flavia; Torri, L.; Aprea, Eugenio; Bailetti, L. I.; Bendini, A.; Braghieri, A.; Cattaneo, C.; Cliceri, D.; Condelli, N.; Cravero, M. C.; Del Caro, A.; Di Monaco, R.; Drago, S.; Favotto, S.; Fusi, R.; Galassi, L.; Gallina Toschi, T.; Garavaldi, A.; Gasparini, P.; Gatti, E.; Masi, C.; Mazzaglia, A.; Moneta, E.; Piasentier, E.; Piochi, M.; Pirastu, N.; Predieri, S.; Robino, A.; Russo, F.; Tesini, F., "Exploring influences on food choice in a large population sample: the Italian taste project" in FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, v. 59, (2017), p. 123-140. Link 
Aprea, Eugenio; Charles, Mathilde Clemence; Endrizzi, Isabella; Corollaro, Maria Laura; Betta, Emanuela; Biasioli, Franco; Gasperi, Flavia, "Sweet taste in apple: the role of sorbitol, individual sugars, organic acids and volatile compounds" in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 7, n. 44950 (2017), p. 1-10 Link  Schuhfried, E.; Betta, Emanuela; Cappellin, Luca; Aprea, Eugenio; Gasperi, Flavia; Märk, T. D.; Biasioli, Franco, "Withering of plucked Trachelospermum jasminoides (star jasmine) flowers – Time-dependent volatile compound profile obtained with SPME/GC–MS and proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS)" in POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 123, (2017), p. 1-11 Link 
Capozzi, Vittorio; Makhoul, Salim; Aprea, Eugenio; Romano, Andrea; Cappellin, Luca; Sanchez Jimena, A.; Spano, G.; Gasperi, Flavia; Scampicchio, M.; Biasioli, Franco, "PTR-MS characterization of VOCs associated with commercial aromatic bakery yeasts of wine and beer origin" in MOLECULES, v. 21, n. 4 (2016), p. 1-14 Link 
Makhoul, Salim; Yener, Sine; Khomenko, Iuliia; Capozzi, Vittorio; Cappellin, Luca; Aprea, Eugenio; Scampicchio, M.; Gasperi, Flavia; Biasioli, Franco, "Rapid non-invasive quality control of semifinished products for the food industry by direct injection mass spectrometry headspace analysis: the case of milk powder, whey powder and anhydrous milk fat" in JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 51, n. 9 (2016), p. 782-791 Link  Aprea, Eugenio; Romanzin, A.; Corazzin, M.; Favotto, S.; Betta, Emanuela; Gasperi, Flavia; Bovolenta, S., "Effects of grazing cow diet on volatile compounds as well as physicochemical and sensory characteristics of 12-month-ripened Montasio cheese" in JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, v. 99, n. 8 (2016), p. 6180-6190 Link  Morozova, K.; Aprea, E.; Cantini, C.; Migliorini, M.; Gasperi, F.; Scampicchio, M., "Determination of Bitterness of Extra Virgin Olive Oils by Amperometric Detection" in ELECTROANALYSIS, v. 28, n. 9 (2016), p. 2196-2204 Link  Gasperi, Flavia, "Nuovi spunti dalla ricerca da S. Michele all'Adige: il laboratorio sensoriale della FEM studia la qualità dei formaggi" in INFORMATORE ZOOTECNICO, v. 64, n. 18 (2016), p. 78-83 Capecchi, S.; Endrizzi, Isabella; Gasperi, Flavia; Piccolo, D., "A multi-product approach for detecting subjects’ and objects’ covariates in consumer preferences" in BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL, v. 118, n. 3 (2016), p. 515-526 Link  Neri, F.; Cappellin, Luca; Spadoni, A.; Cameldi, I.; Algarra Alarcon, Alberto; Gasperi, Flavia; Biasioli, Franco; Mari, M., "Can strawberry volatile emissions influence Botrytis cinerea growth?" in ACTA HORTICULTURAE, v. 1144, (2016), p. 37-42 Link  Bergamaschi, M.; Cecchinato, A.; Biasioli, Franco; Gasperi, Flavia; Martin, B.; Bittante, G., "From cow to cheese: genetic parameters of the flavour fingerprint of cheese investigated by direct-injection mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS)" in GENETICS SELECTION EVOLUTION, v. 48, n. 89 (2016), p. 1-14 Link  Aprea, Eugenio; Romano, Andrea; Betta, Emanuela; Biasioli, Franco; Cappellin, Luca; Fanti, M.; Gasperi, Flavia, "Volatile compound changes during shelf life of dried Boletus edulis: comparison between SPME-GC-MS and PTR-ToF-MS analysis" in JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, v. 50, n. 1 (2015), p. 56-64  Link  Aprea, Eugenio; Corollaro, Maria Laura; Endrizzi, Isabella; Betta, Emanuela; Dematte', Maria Luisa; Biasioli, Franco; Gasperi, Flavia, "Studio delle relazioni tra composti volatili e descritori sensoriali" in INGREDIENTI ALIMENTARI, v. 14, n. 80 (2015), p. 6-13 Link Neri, F.; Cappellin, Luca; Spadoni, A.; Cameldi, I.; Algarra Alarcon, Alberto; Aprea, Eugenio; Romano, Andrea; Gasperi, Flavia; Biasioli, Franco, "Role of strawberry volatile organic compounds in the development of Botrytis cinerea infection" in PLANT PATHOLOGY, v. 64, n. 3 (2015), p. 709-717 Link  Cappelletti, Martina; Ferrentino, Giovanna; Endrizzi, Isabella; Aprea, Eugenio; Betta, Emanuela; Maria Laura, Corollaro; Mathilde, Charles; Gasperi, Flavia; Spilimbergo, Sara, "High Pressure Carbon Dioxide pasteurization of coconut water: A sport drink with high nutritional and sensory quality" in JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING, v. 145, (2015), p. 73-81 Link  Aprea, Eugenio; Biasioli, Franco; Gasperi, Flavia, "Volatile compounds of raspberry fruit: from analytical methods to biological role and sensory impact" in MOLECULES, v. 20, n. 2 (2015), p. 2445-2474 Link 
Charles, Mathilde Clemence; Romano, Andrea; Yener, Sine; Barnabà, M.; Navarini, L.; Märk, T. D.; Biasioli, Franco; Gasperi, Flavia, "Understanding flavour perception of espresso coffee by the combination of a dynamic sensory method and in-vivo nosespace analysis" in FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, v. 69, n. 1 (2015), p. 9-20  Link 
Bergamaschi, Matteo; Aprea, Eugenio; Betta, Emanuela; Biasioli, Franco; Cipolat Gotet, C.; Cecchinato, A.; Bittante, G.; Gasperi, Flavia, "Effects of dairy system, herd within dairy system, and individual cow characteristics on the volatile organic compound profile of ripened model cheeses" in JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, v. 98, n. 4 (2015), p. 2183-2196 Link  Endrizzi, Isabella; Torri, L.; Corollaro, Maria Laura; Dematte', Maria Luisa; Aprea, Eugenio; Charles, Mathilde Clemence; Biasioli, Franco; Gasperi, Flavia, "A conjoint study on apple acceptability: sensory characteristics and nutritional information" in FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, v. 40, n. Part A (2015), p. 39-48 Link 
Benozzi, Elisabetta; Romano, Andrea; Capozzi, Vittorio; Makhoul, Salim; Cappellin, Luca; Khomenko, Iuliia; Aprea, Eugenio; Scampicchio, M.; Spano, G.; Märk, T. D.; Gasperi, Flavia; Biasioli, Franco, "Monitoring of lactic fermentation driven by different starter cultures via direct injection mass spectrometric analysis of flavour-related volatile compounds" in FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, v. 76, n. 3 (2015), p. 682-688 Link 
Aprea, Eugenio; Biasioli, Franco; Gasperi, Flavia, "Volatile compounds of raspberry fruit: from analytical methods to biological role and sensory impact" in MOLECULES, v. 20, n. 2 (2015), p. 2445-2474 Link 
Makhoul, Salim; Romano, Andrea; Cappellin, Luca; Spano, G.; Capozzi, Vittorio; Aprea, Eugenio; Benozzi, Elisabetta; Mӓrk, T. D.; Gasperi, Flavia; El Nakat, H.; Guzzo, J.; Biasioli, Franco, "Volatile compound production during the bread-making process: effect of flour, yeast and their interaction" in FOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY, v. 8, n. 9 (2015), p. 1925-1937 Link 
Corollaro, Maria Laura; Manfrini, L.; Endrizzi, Isabella; Aprea, Eugenio; Dematte', Maria Luisa; Charles, Mathilde Clemence; Bergamaschi, Matteo; Biasioli, Franco; Zibordi, M.; Corelli Grappadelli, L.; Gasperi, Flavia, "The effect of two orchard light management practices on the sensory quality of apple: fruit thinning by shading or photo-selective nets" in JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 90, n. 1 (2015), p. 99-107 Link 
Gamero Negron, Rafael; Sanchez del Pulgar Rico, Jose; Cappellin, Luca; Garcia, C.; Gasperi, Flavia; Biasioli, Franco, "Immune-spaying as an alternative to surgical spaying in Iberian × Duroc females: effect on the VOC profile of dry-cured shoulders and dry-cured loins as detected by PTR-ToF-MS" in MEAT SCIENCE, v. 110, (2015), p. 169-173. - URL: Link De Marchi, F., Aprea, E., Endrizzi, I., Charles, M., Betta, E., Corollaro, M.L., Cappelletti, M., Ferrentino, G., Spilimbergo, S., Gasperi, F. (2015). Effects of Pasteurization on Volatile Compounds and Sensory Properties of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Water: Thermal vs. High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Pasteurization. Food and Bioprocess Technology. In Press. Link
Aprea, E., Biasioli, F., Gasperi, F. (2015). Volatile Compounds of Raspberry Fruit: From Analytical Methods to Biological Role and Sensory Impact. Molecules 20, 2445–2474 Link
Aprea, E., Romano, A., Betta, E., Biasioli, F., Cappellin, L., Fanti, M., Gasperi , F. (2015). Volatile compounds changes during shelf life of dried Boletus Edulis: comparison between SPME-GC-MS and PTR-ToF-MS analysis. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 50(1), 56-64 Link
Bergamaschi, M., Aprea, E., Betta, E., Biasioli, F., Cipolat-Gotet, C., Cecchinato, A., Bittante, G., Gasperi, F. (2015). Effects of dairy system, herd within dairy system, and individual cow characteristics on the volatile organic compound profile of ripened model cheeses. Journal of Dairy Science. In press.Link
Charles, M., Romano, A., Yener, S., Barnabà, M., Navarini, L., Mark, T. D., Biasioli, F., & Gasperi, F. (2015). Understanding flavour perception of espresso coffee by the combination of a dynnamic sensory method and in-vivo nosespace analysis. Food Research International, 69, 9-20 Link
Aprea, E.; Cappellin, L.; Gasperi, F.; Morisco, F.; Lembo, V.; Rispo, A.; Tortora, R.; Vitaglione, P.; Caporaso, N.; Biasioli, F. (2014). Application of PTR-TOF-MS to investigate metabolites in exhaled breath of patients affected by coeliac disease under gluten free diet. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 966, 208–213 Link
Bovolenta, S.; Romanzin, A.; Corazzin, M.;  Spanghero, M.; Aprea, E.; Gasperi, F.  and Piasentier E. (2014). Volatile compounds and sensory properties of Montasio cheese made from the milk of Simmental cows grazing on alpine pastures. Journal of Dairy Science, 97, 7373–7385 Link
Cappelletti, M.; Ferrentino, G.; Endrizzi, I.; Aprea, E.; Betta, E.; Corollaro, M.L.;  Charles, M.; Gasperi, F.; Spilimbergo, S. (2014). High Pressure Carbon Dioxide pasteurization of Coconut Water: a sport drink with high nutritional and sensory quality. Journal of Food Engineering, 145, 73-81  Link
Cappellin, L., Makhoul, S., Schuhfried, E., Romano, A., Sanchez del Pulgar, J., Aprea, E., Farneti, B., Costa, F., Gasperi, F., Biasioli, F. (2014).  Ethylene: Absolute real-time high-sensitivity detection with PTR/SRI-MS. The example of fruits, leaves and bacteria. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,365-366 (2014) 33–4 Link
Corollaro, M.L., Aprea, E., Endrizzi, I., Betta, E., Demattè, M.L., Charles, M., Bergamaschi, M., Costa, F., Biasioli, F., Corelli Grappadelli, L., Gasperi, F. (2014). A combined sensory-instrumental tool for apple quality evaluation. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 96, 135-144. Link
Corollaro, M.L., Gasperi, F., Corelli Grappadelli, L. (2014). An overview of sensory quality of apple fruit. Journal of the American Pomological Society 68(3), 6141-15. Link
Demattè, M.L., Endrizzi, I., & Gasperi, F. (2014). Food neophobia and its relation with olfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 127 Link
Demattè, M.L., Pojer, N., Endrizzi, I., Corollaro, M.L., Betta, E., Aprea, E., Charles, M., Biasioli, F., Zampini, M. & Gasperi, F. (2014). Effects of the sound of the bite on apple perceived crispness and hardness. Food Quality and Preferences, 38,58-64 Link
Endrizzi, I., Gasperi, F., Rødbotten, M., Næs, T. (2014). Interpretation, validation and segmentation of preference mapping models. Food Quality and Preference, 32(C), 198-209 Link
Endrizzi, I., Torri, L., Corollaro, M.L., Demattè, M.L., Aprea, E., Charles, M., Biasioli, F. and Gasperi, F. (2014). A conjoint study on apple acceptability: sensory characteristics and nutritional information. Food Quality and Preference, 40 (A), 39-48 Link
Makhoul, S., Romano, A., Cappellin, L., Spano, G., Capozzi, V., Benozzi, E., Märk, T. D., Aprea, E., Gasperi, F., El-Nakat, H., Guzzo, J., Biasioli, F.(2014). Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry for the Study of the Production of Volatile Compounds by Bakery Yeast Starters. Journal of Mass Spectrometry Link
Neri, F., Cappellin, L., Spadoni, A., Cameldi, I., Algarra Alarcon, A. , Aprea, E., Romano, A., Gasperi, F., and Biasioli F. (2014). Role of strawberry volatile organic compounds in the development of Botrytis cinerea infection. In Press Link
Sánchez del Pulgar, J., Renaville, B., Soukoulis, C., Cappellin, L., Romano, A., Gasperi, F., Piasentier, E., Biasioli, F. (2014). Stearoyl-CoA desaturase and sterol regulatory binding protein 1 markers: Effect on the volatile profile of dry-cured Parma, San Daniele and Toscano hams as detected by PTR-ToF-MS. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 365–366, 343–350 Link
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Sánchez del Pulgar, J., Soukoulis, C., Carrapiso, A., Cappellin, L., Granitto, P., Aprea, E., et al. (2013). Effect of the pig rearing system on the final volatile profile of Iberian dry-cured ham as detected by PTR-ToF-MS. Meat Science, 93(3), 420-428 Link
Corollaro, M.L., Endrizzi, I., Bertolini, A., Aprea, E., Demattè, M.L., Costa, F., et al. (2013). Sensory profiling of apple: methodological aspects, cultivar characterisation and postharvest changes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 77(1), 111-120 Link
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Tsevdou, M., Soukoulis, C., Cappellin, L., Gasperi, F., Taoukis, P., & Biasioli, F. (2013). Monitoring the effect of high pressure and transglutaminase treatment of milk on the evolution of flavour compounds during lactic acid fermentation using PTR-ToF-MS. Food Chemistry, 138(4), 2159-2167 Link
Demattè, M.L., Endrizzi, I., Biasioli, F., Corollaro, M.L., Pojer, N., Zampini, M., et al. (2013). Food neophobia and its relation with olfactory ability in common odour identification. Appetite, 68(1), 112-117 Link


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